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Which Museum in Bordeaux Should Animal Lovers Visit?

The Museum de Bordeaux - Sciences et Nature. The Museum De Bordeaux-Sciences et Nature is a wonderful attraction located in the heart of Jardin Public in Bordeaux, France. This museum is perfect for visitors of all ages, especially children, who will enjoy the interactive exhibits and hands-on activities available. One

Which Museum in Bordeaux Should Animal Lovers Visit?
Photo by Asya / Unsplash

The Museum de Bordeaux - Sciences et Nature. The Museum De Bordeaux-Sciences et Nature is a wonderful attraction located in the heart of Jardin Public in Bordeaux, France. This museum is perfect for visitors of all ages, especially children, who will enjoy the interactive exhibits and hands-on activities available.

One of the most impressive exhibits is the permanent exhibition, Nature as Seen by Humans, located on the second floor. This exhibit features life-size sculptures of various animals, all made with impressive detail and accuracy. The animals are displayed in their natural habitats, which adds to the educational value of the exhibit. Visitors will be awed by the true-to-life sizes of the animals, making it an excellent opportunity to learn about different animal species.

Another exhibit worth exploring is the Semi-Permanent exhibition, Aquitaine Coast. This exhibit is unique in its geographic importance, showcasing the wide variety of animals found along the Aquitaine Coast. Visitors can learn about the different species and their habitats, as well as their interactions with each other and the environment.

In addition to the permanent and semi-permanent exhibits, the museum also offers temporary exhibitions that are both educational and interactive for children. The All Babies exhibit allows visitors to learn about the development of various animal species from infancy to adulthood. The "Collectioner la Nature" exhibit is also highly interactive, with opportunities to touch and smell different items related to nature.

The Museum De Bordeaux-Sciences et Nature is housed in a beautiful Bordelais building that is itself worth exploring. The grounds of Jardin Public are also worth a visit, as they provide a peaceful escape from the busy city streets. The museum is conveniently located near public transportation, making it easy to reach from anywhere in the city.

Overall, the Museum De Bordeaux-Sciences et Nature is a must-visit attraction on your next trip to Bordeaux for anyone interested in nature, wildlife, or science. Its impressive exhibits and interactive activities make it an excellent destination for families with children, and its location in the heart of Bordeaux makes it a convenient stop for tourists and locals alike. Whether you're looking to learn something new or simply enjoy a day out with the family, this museum is definitely worth a visit during your holiday in Bordeaux.

For more information see

Address: 5 Pl Bardineau, 33000 Bordeaux, Franceéum+de+Bordeaux+-+sciences+et+nature/@44.8484661,-0.5825292,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0xd5527df7765e64f:0x5bd7ed804b9b14a7!8m2!3d44.8484661!4d-0.5799489!16s%2Fg%2F120vbfs0

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